Welcome to Titans of the Cage MMA

Titans of the Cage Persevere Hall of Fame Members

Sheetz logo. (PRNewsFoto/SHEETZ, INC.)



Titans of the Cage MMA events provide a great opportunity for all Amateur MMA fighters and full contact Muay Thai fighters to test their skills inside the TOC Octagon.

The TOC Event Team strives to provide quality MMA events that demonstrate the highest level of safety, fairness, sportsmanship, honor and integrity.

TOC events will encourage participants, coaches and fans to always be mindful that MMA is MIXED MARTIAL ARTS. All fighters, coaches, teams and fans should strive to conduct themselves in a way that is pleasing and represents the martial arts with HONOR and DIGNITY.


OUR MISSION is to preserve the Honor and Dignity of the Martial Arts while promoting high quality Amateur MMA fighting events.

that fighting skills can honorably be tested inside the cage, during an event that features FIGHTERSTEAMSCOACHES and FANS who demonstrate the highest level of c
lass, sportsmanship and integrity, in victory, as well as in defeat.